The Placebo God Within (PDF)

The Placebo God Within

© Copyright 2024

by Robert Moskowitz

Do you have everything you want? Is your life perfect? Are you 100% happy?

If you are, feel free to close this page and get on with your exceptional life. You don’t need any of the insights, information, techniques, advice, and secret knowledge this book offers you.

But if you do not have everything you want, if your life is not perfect, and/or if you are less than 100% happy, then rejoice. You have now found the key that will unlock a great, new, better life that you can and will enjoy forever more.

Note that you do not need the help of any other person to master this information. All that’s required is for you to expose yourself to it, like walking through an art museum and experiencing all the marvelous items on display there. Whether you glance at the art or study it with long intensity, the simple fact of direct exposure will impact you. 

In the same way, as you absorb the ideas, information, and techniques you’ll discover within this marvelous book, you will begin to notice a never-ending series of improvements in your life. And as with an art museum, you can revisit the information again and again, each time gaining additional enjoyment, benefit, and meaning from what you observe and absorb.

141 Pages, © Copyright 2024 by Key Publications, All Rights Reserved

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Contents Include:

The Gift of Placebo

What is Placebo?

How Does Placebo Power Help Us?

Placebo Power in Action

How to Harness the Power of Placebo

Learning Placebo Power

Invoking the Power of Placebo

Apply Placebo Power to Your Everyday Life 

Try It Now

Apply Placebo Power to Your Spirit

Manage, Modify, and Maximize Your Placebo Power 

Steadily Expand Your Placebo Power 

Launch Placebo Power in Your Life  Right Now

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Congratulations. You are now at the start of a journey through a special document that reveals incredible, legendary, long-forgotten mind-power secrets so remarkably effective they will change your life forever.

The information in these pages reflects a portfolio of secrets that compile the most important knowledge of the ages, knowledge that originated in the dim recesses of an emerging human consciousness. These origins go back beyond centuries, beyond the history of ancient philosophers, priests, and mystics. The secrets revealed here have been passed down from master to apprentice, and along the way have been faithfully transferred from the earliest musings to be encoded in today’s modern digital knowledge base.

These secrets embody fundamental principles based on the often-hidden workings of the Universe. The world’s richest and most powerful families have long used these secrets to achieve their matchless success, wealth, and power. These are life-changing secrets that have delivered to these families the power to control events, decide the course of human history, and gain control over virtually limitless resources.

Now it is time for the doors of secrecy to be flung wide open so that everyone – you, your family, and your friends, to name a few – can obtain full and unfettered access to these powerful secrets.

One small caveat: No one denies that Placebo Power actually works. Scientists and medical doctors account for it in their studies and experiments. But none of them knows WHY or HOW it works. In a real sense, it is irrational – not subject to the usual tools of logic and understanding.

Accordingly, there is no point in criticizing the information in these pages by highlighting any logical or reasonable flaws. Why? Because there is no value in criticizing information that lies outside the realm of our understanding by using tools from within that realm of understanding.

So despite whatever flaws or weaknesses you may observe in what follows, please simply give it a try. Trust me. It will work for you and bring you benefits, regardless of whether or not your logical mind thinks it makes sense.

Welcome. Starting right now, it’s your turn to begin tapping into the miraculous power of The Placebo God Within ....

© Copyright 2024

Chapter 1: The Gift of Placebo

There’s a miracle in every one of us: not just the gift of life, but the gift of Placebo. Very simply, this book shows you how that gift works and how to harness its power to improve your life.

What is Placebo?

Placebo is a thoroughly documented phenomenon that operates in a realm beyond our current understanding. We know it works, but we don’t know how or why.

Every medical researcher, for example, understands that Placebo Power will have an impact on the results of every therapeutic intervention and medical experiment. No matter whether the drug or device being tested works well, poorly, or not at all, approximately one-third to one-half of the people treated will experience a measurable benefit. They will gain this improvement whether the doctor is offering them a powerful therapeutic tool or a meaningless gimmick.

For example, “sham surgery,” which simulates real surgery but without any of the actual cutting, and which therefore makes absolutely no change in the physical body, under certain circumstances can produce results just as good as the real thing, with all its blood, pain, and need for lengthy recovery.

And there are many other well-recognized examples of Placebo Power at work.

In plain language, many patients will experience a measurable benefit after receiving a “sham” treatment – perhaps a pill that contains only sugar, or an injection of sterile water, or a pretense of some physical manipulation or intervention. This measurable benefit results directly from the mysterious phenomenon I call The Placebo God Within. Although we recognize its existence, we don’t know how or why it occurs. More to the point, we know of no way to prevent it from occurring.

What’s critical to the Power of Placebo is not that the instrument of Placebo – the pill, the injection, the manipulation, or whatever – contains anything with any real efficacy. What’s critical is only that the individual receiving the instrument of Placebo believes it has such power.

To trigger the Placebo Effect, most often some authoritative person wearing a white lab coat hands you a pill and says “This will help you.” If you accept that statement, in a statistically significant number of cases it will turn out to be true.

Here is a crucial point: It doesn’t matter what the pill contains. Under the right circumstances, anything at all received as an instrument of Placebo will help a large number of people who accept it.

Oftentimes, the Placebo will help more people than some other treatment which provides a genuine benefit. Equally often, a particular Placebo will have no discernible effect until it is explicitly labeled as helpful. After that, it immediately begins to help.

Scientists don’t know precisely how this Placebo Effect works, but they have proven over and over again that it does work.

How Does Placebo Power Help Us?

Although the search goes on for mechanisms that underly the Power of Placebo, we don’t have to wait for a full understanding before we can make use of it, any more than early humans didn’t have to wait for a full understanding of the chemistry of combustion in order to make practical use of fire.

With fire, all we need to know are: what kinds of things will burn, and how to get the fire started. In the same way, to benefit from the Power of Placebo all we need to know are the ingredients of Placebo Power, and at least one process to trigger it.

This book contains all you need to know about those ingredients and that process.

© Copyright 2024

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